The Kavalam Panchayat is one of the few Panchayats with water pipelines and supply. Currently people bathe in water from the river and canals. Drinking water is either collected by rain water harvesting or buying water from private vendors who supply it in vehicles. Most people did not have storage capacity and many used to keep as many cooking vessels as possible outside during rains. The situation was worse during summer time when the river water became saline. ARRT Foundation identified the need to supply 300 litre tanks to individual families which did not have tanks and also provide community tanks with 3000 liter capacity to service around 30 families living in clusters and the community tanks would be filled with water by the Panchayat during summer.
Names of Donors
ARRT Foundation partnered with UST Global, Suntech, EY as well as individual as well as community sponsors in supplying the Community tanks as well as Individual tanks. Al Ameen school in kottayam also provided tanks as part of their Community out reach program.
The individual tanks were provided free of costs and ARRT has ensured that no house in the Kavalam Panchayat can state that it does not have storage facility to store drinking water.